Changing of the Guard
Posted on Jul 01, 2016
2015-16 Club President
Geeta George
2016-17 Club President
Don Bierman
Well, it is that time of year when our Club elects new officers. Geeta George has reached the end of a successful year as Club President. Under her leadership we continued to our service programs for youth in our area and provided grants and hands-on service to a number of local organizations that make our community what it is. We also engaged in a new project as well. Partnering with the Rotary Club of Mission San Jose, we committed to serve dinner to the hungry at the Centerville Free Dining Room on an ongoing basis every fifth Wednesday of the month. To celebrate Geeta's year and install Don Bierman as our new Club President, we gathered for a dinner and roast. We are serious about having fun, so Fenton Kremer kindly memorialized this event with a photo album that can be viewed here.